Here at Betterbee we believe a better understanding leads to better beekeeping. Learn about bees and beekeeping, or watch a product demonstration video to better grasp how it works. With an ever-growing catalog, it is our goal to help answer your questions. If there is something you would like to see us film, please let us know by emailing us at To watch a video, click on the link with the title that interests you. You will be directed to YouTube where the video will begin. To view our YouTube channel where you can subscribe, please visit: Betterbee YouTube Channel.
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #1: The Hive, Inside and Out
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #2: Choosing Boxes, Bottom Boards, and Outer Covers
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #3: Frames and Foundation
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #4: Honey Supers and Queen Excluders
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #5: Gear for Feeding and Gear for You
Controlling Wax Moths with Crystals or Larvicide
Deadout Post-Mortem Check: Why Did Your Bees Die?
How to Install a Nuc Colony of Bees
How to Install a Package of Bees
Finding and Marking Queen Bees
Velcro Test: Will the Bees Accept a New Queen?
How to Light and Keep Your Bee Hive Smoker Lit
Making Sugar Bricks for Feeding Bees
What to Do When a Bee Gets in Your Veil
How to Feed Honey Bees in Fall and Winter
Emergency Winter Feeding for Honey Bees Using Fondant
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #1: The Hive, Inside and Out
Essential Beekeeping Equipment #2: Choosing Boxes, Bottom Boards, and Outer Covers
Inspecting and Transferring 5 Frame Nucs from Wooden to Pro Nuc Boxes
Installing Queens in Various Queen Cages in a Hive
Handling Foundationless Frames
Origin, Biology, and Treatment for Varroa Destructor
Oxalic Vaporization Treatment for Honey Bees Using Varrox and ProVap Systems
Using the Sugar Shake Method to Monitor Hives for Varroa Destructor
Tips for Winterizing Your Hives
Recognizing a Virgin Queen Bee in a Hive
Save New Queen Honey Bees Using Virgin Queen Cages
What You Can Expect to Find on a Honey Bee Brood Frame
How to Use Formic Pro to Fight Varroa Mites in Honey Bees
Inspecting Hives: Trying Out 3 Different Hive Tools
Choosing a Beekeeping Jacket, Suit, or Veil
Comparing Honey Bee Hive Feeders
How to Use Mouse Guards and Entrance Reducers
How to Assemble BeeMax Hive Boxes
Oxalic Vaporization Treatment for Honey Bees Using Varrox and ProVap Systems
Make Your Own Foundation Using this Silicone Foundation Mold
How to Assemble and Use a Betterbee Shim
Slatted Rack: How and Why You Might Use One
Unboxing, Assembling, and Using the 4 Frame Lyson Extractor
How to Choose Hive Insulation and Insulating Wraps
Are My Bees Swarming or Orienting?
Kutik's Queens: A Visit to the Kutik's Operation in South Carolina
Kutik's Nucs: How They Grow Great Nucleus Colonies
Bees Feeding and Eating: How Do They Do It?
Bees Excavating a Winter Patty
Bees Fanning Hive Entrance to Cool it Down
How Betterbee Overwintered Nucs are Made
Varroa on Lyson Monitoring Tray
The Collapse of a High Mite Hive
Making Beeswax Candles Using Polyurethane Candle Molds
Making Beeswax Candles Using a Lyson Candle Mold
Making Your Own Beeswax Tealight Candles
Make Your Own Foundation Using this Silicone Foundation Mold