Pest Management & Medications

As a beekeeper, understanding bee hive pest management, mite testing and treatments, and medication application is crucial for healthy bees and thriving hives.


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An important part of hive management is ensuring proper testing and treatment of mites and other bee pests. At Betterbee, we carry Varroa mite treatments, as well as tests, treatments, and solutions to prevent Wax Moth, American and European Foulbrood, Nosema, Small Hive Beetle, and mice. To keep your hive healthy and productive, we recommend monitoring mite levels using regular sugar shakes or other effective Varroa monitoring solutions. Keeping track of hive mite levels allows you to use pest control treatments only when necessary, which helps you avoid putting undue stress on your bees. Explore solutions like Formic Pro or Apivar strips to effectively manage Varroa mites, find tests and treatments for bacterial or fungal diseases, and stock up on beetle traps, frame bags, and mouse guards to keep pests out.

Note: As beekeepers need permission from a veterinarian to administer antibiotics to treat American Foulbrood, we do not carry antibiotics. Dr. Chris Cripps, Betterbee part-owner, beekeeper, and veterinarian is part of the effort to educate veterinarians about honey bee health and antibiotic use: Please visit to learn more.


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