Give your colonies a head start when you invest in a BeeMax Polystyrene 10 Frame Hive Kit. Betterbee offers BeeMax hives made from high-density polystyrene with a superior R-value of 6.5, exceeding the insulation offered by traditional wooden hives to create a stable environment with minimized temperature fluctuations.
Whether you're a beginner starting your beekeeping journey or an experienced apiarist looking to expand, there's a perfect BeeMax kit for you! Better insulation means less temperature fluctuation, so a hive can make a bigger brood nest earlier in the critical spring buildup period, promoting a strong and healthy colony from the get-go. Select specific kit components, such as frames, and choose from a range of hive configurations to suit your beekeeping style and needs. Whether you choose an assembled or unassembled kit, durable BeeMax hive kits are cooler in summer and warmer in winter to better support your bees. The exceptional insulation offered by these polystyrene hives may reduce winter maintenance because there is no need for additional winter wrapping, saving you time and resources throughout the year. Note: BeeMax hive bodies should be painted with exterior latex paint to help protect the polystyrene from the sun's UV rays and extend the life of the hive.Click for more information on BeeMax Polystyrene Hive Kits