Betterbee carries a wide selection of 10 frame wooden bee hive components, including brood boxes and other hive parts you need for 10 frame wood bee hives. As the industry standard for more than a century, 10 frame equipment is the most commonly used size for bee hives in the U.S.
What components do you need to start your own bee hive? Consider this quick glossary of bee hive parts and terminology to decide, then explore our beekeeping guide to determine the best hive components for your apiary. Deep Hive Bodies (or Brood Boxes): Deeps are 9-1/2" high and are usually the first two boxes of the hive. 10 Frame Deep Hive Bodies can weigh up to 85 pounds when filled with honey, brood, and pollen. Mediums (or Honey Supers): Mediums are 6 5/8" high and are placed on top of the brood boxes. Shallows: These are generally used to store honey, or for making comb honey. Frame Size: 10 frame is the most common size in wooden hive parts, but 8 Frame woodenware is increasing in popularity because the individual boxes are a bit lighter. Wood Grade: Select Grade shows only an occasional small knot, Commercial Grade shows a few more knots, while Budget Grade shows a greater number of solid knots. If you plan to paint your woodenware, Commercial Grade is the best choice — but if you're trying to go easy on the wallet, you might find just what you need in our Bargains. Assembly: Our hive boxes come either assembled or unassembled: Assembled bee hive equipment saves time and comes ready to paint while unassembled bee hive equipment is more cost-efficient, but requires nails or hardware for assembly.Click for more information on 10 frame hive components