If you’re looking to simplify how you make 2:1 sugar syrup for bees, look no further: We have tips for a homemade bee syrup recipe that doesn’t require measuring. With a few simple steps, you can make sugar water in the correct 2:1 ratio in a snap.
While spring and summer bee feeding requires a 1:1 sugar syrup, fall feeding requires a heavier 2:1 ratio to help them prepare for the coming winter. During winter, however, solid feeds — including candy boards, sugar bricks, or fondant — are the best options.
While generally, you’d make a 2:1 bee syrup by mixing two parts sugar to one part water — for instance, two pounds of sugar to one pound of water — this method takes away the need to weigh and measure. Gather your supplies and ingredients, and give this method a try.
Supplies and ingredients
This amount of 2:1 syrup will increase the hive weight by about 5 lbs.
Making sugar syrup can be a messy job, but using this method helps contain the mess. We’ve also figured out a few other tricks along the way.
For even easier, tidier filling, do all of your prep and mixing directly in the sink. Use a wide-mouth canning funnel to pour the sugar into the jar. Then, add the water and mix with the jars still in the sink. After capping the jars, you can use your sink sprayer to rinse off the jars and the work area.
While this recipe won’t work for mixing a 1:1 ratio, this 2:1 sugar syrup mixing method saves on measuring and cleaning up, giving you more time to complete other bee yard tasks. For more bee feeding and beekeeping tips, explore our Beekeeper Guide.
Related Links
» Read more about why to feed.
» Read more about how much to feed.