Beekeeping in the heat of summer can be dangerous if you aren’t careful, but we can’t neglect our bees just because it’s hot outside. The best time to open hives to work with your bees is usually in the middle of the day — but when the forecast calls for high heat and humidity, that middle-of-the-day suggestion could be dangerous. On hot days, shift your beekeeping to earlier in the day, if possible. And plan ahead: make sure all your tools and equipment are ready ahead of time so you can get started promptly. Explore our top three tips for beekeeping on hot summer days.
Protective clothing can add to the physical stress on your body, so when deciding what to wear under your bee suit, choose breathable clothing items. Lightweight pants or shorts and a breathable cotton T-shirt will help keep you cooler than heavy denim jeans or clothing made from synthetic materials. Or, choose tech fabrics designed for comfort in summer heat, including moisture-wicking and cooling T-shirts or temperature-regulating pants.
Beyond your clothing, consider items designed to improve your comfort. Wear a sweatband to help keep sweat out of your eyes. Depending on the material you choose, a sweatband can even provide a little cooling.
Protective Gear Tip – Wash your bee clothing and gloves regularly. Grubby, stiff-from-dried-sweat gear feels hotter because it traps more heat due to the dirt embedded in the material. “Breathable” fabric has a harder time “breathing” if it’s clogged up with sweat and grime.
Hydration is critical during beekeeping. Find a way to make it work like our Head Beekeeper Anne because you've got to make sure you keep drinking water on hot days.
Self-care doesn’t take a vacation simply because you have work to do. Always ensure you’re protecting yourself by checking in to see how you’re feeling. Just like when playing sports or exercising, follow these guidelines for safety in hot weather:
Don’t forget to protect your bees from the hot weather, as well. They need an adequate water source, shade, ventilation, and hive access to take refuge from the sweltering heat. Sometimes, it’s better — for you and your bees — to wait until the heat subsides to complete your work in the hive.
If you begin to feel nauseated, faint, or crampy, you’re moving out of the realm of simple hard work and possibly into the danger zone. Rest in the shade or your air-conditioned vehicle, then close up the hives and call it a day. The bees will be relieved to get back to managing the conditions of their hive on their own terms — and you can reduce your chances of heat exhaustion.
Especially when harvesting honey, an extra set of hands can be a huge help. Even the shallowest boxes, when full of capped honey, are heavy and awkward to carry. The bees probably aren’t happy about the disturbances, either. Two people working together makes lifting off the boxes much easier, reducing strain and speeding up the process overall. Perhaps most importantly, a helper may reduce the total time your inspection takes, and therefore the total amount of time you need to be out in the heat.
Beekeeping ought to be a pleasure, at least most of the time. Don’t tempt fate by working in overheated conditions. Your bees still need attention during the heat, but if it’s just too hot to open them or you can only do a cursory inspection before heading indoors, that’s fine. It’s just not worth risking your health! For more beekeeping tips, explore our Beekeeper’s Guide.