Essentials Kit: 10FR Assem

This assembled 10 frame beehive essentials kit is the perfect way to start for beginners, catching swarms, or making splits.

Besides the options to the right, each kit includes a Wooden Entrance Reducer.

  • Item Code: WEKA10
  • 195 USDPrice: $195.00

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This Basic Essentials Kit includes two deep hive bodies. Expect to add additional equipment as the hive grows during the season. A typical colony uses 2 deep hive bodies for the brood area, and 3 medium boxes ("supers") for storing honey. It will probably take a colony 2 seasons to create comb on all these frames, and after that, the comb is re-used. Brood comb should be melted down and replaced if it becomes very dark brown.

The Essentials Kit includes:

  • Telescoping outer cover
  • Wooden inner cover
  • 2 deep hive bodies
  • 20 deep frames
  • Reversible bottom board and/or varroa monitoring equipment

Reminder: Your equipment will last for years if you paint all exterior surfaces with a few coats of exterior grade paint before installing bees.