B402®, also known as Certan, is a biological control for prevention of wax moths on stored drawn frames. B402 uses Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a bacterium found in nature that kills wax moths in the larval stage. Volume: 32 fl. Oz.
A single application provides protection against wax moth infestation until the following season. Need a smaller quantity? We also sell: Wax Moth Larvicide B402 946ml
How to Use:
Simply dilute in water (1 part B402, 19 parts water) and spray on both sides of frames prior to storage of frames.
More on B402:
The active ingredient in this pesticide product (Bta ABTS 1857) is part of a large group of bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis, that occur naturally in soil. Bta ABTS 1857 controls wax moth infestations by producing a crystallized protein that is toxic to wax moth larvae.