Apivar Strips: 4 Pack

Please note: This batch of Apivar expires 9/14/25. Plan to use all the treatments before that time!
  • Item Code: AV4
  • 18.89 USD$18.89

New easy-to-tear strips! Strips easily break into individual pieces to make treatment easier and quicker.

Varroa destructor mites (an external parasite) weaken honey bees and can lead to the demise of your hive if left untreated. Kick off your treatment with Apivar, an amitraz-based (synthetic pesticide) that works by hanging two strips between frames, per brood chamber, and leaving in place for 42 days, then removing. This treatment is proven safe and effective without leaving any significant chemical residues in honey or wax.

This 4-pack of strips is the perfect amount of Apivar to treat one double-deep hive, or two single-deep hives. Need a larger quantity? We also sell: Apivar strips 60 pack


  • This batch of Apivar expires 9/14/25. Plan to use all the treatments before that time.
  • Apivar is most effectively used before the honey flow or after honey supers are removed
  • Honey supers remain off the hive during the 42 day treatment period and for 14 days after strips are removed
  • Treatment is not recommended unless you know that your varroa mite count is in excess of the treatment threshold
  • For information on checking for mites, see Randy Oliver's website, www.scientificbeekeeping.com, for mite sampling methods and thresholds.
  • Be sure to read and follow all label directions for Apivar: Instructions for Use
  • Product is nonreturnable

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