Complete Double Nuc Deep

The unassembled double nuc box allows the beekeeper to prepare nucleus colonies during the summer to overwinter.

  • Item Code: DNB
  • 126 USDPrice: $126.00

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Streamline the supply of nucleus colonies for sale with the complete double nuc system!

Please note: This product comes unassembled. Assembly is required.

This double nuc kit includes:

  • Divided Bottom Board
  • Divided Deep Hive Body
  • 2 Four Frame Deep Supers
  • 2 Inner Covers
  • Nail Kit
  • Does not include frames, foundation, or a telescoping outer cover (unless outer cover option is selected). An outer cover is required for use. We recommend using an Insulated Outer Cover, or BeeMax 10 frame outer cover. If using standard galvanized covers, we suggest adding insulation in the form of a 10 Frame Foam Board. All parts of this kit are unassembled except the bottom board. The 4 frame deep supers do not have nail holes drilled on the small ends. You will need a total of 16 deep frames and foundation for this setup.

Overwintered nucleus colonies are an excellent method for Northern beekeepers to minimize their dependence on package bees. Colonies overwinter in 8 frames in a four frame over four frame configuration. The benefit of the double nuc? Both sides share heat during the winter through the central wall. The overwintered nucleus colonies we sell are raised in these boxes.
There are many advantages of overwintered nucleus colonies!

  • Availability in early spring of locally adapted queens and nucs for northern beekeepers
  • Less concern about importation of Africanized bees and other pests not found in our local area.
  • Overwintered nucs and their queens are “proven” in that they have already survived a winter

  • The beekeeper has resources in reserve to expand or replace winter losses.