Ultimate Direct Feeder

The large capacity, 1-gallon in-hive Ultimate Direct Feeder is perfect for anyone who wants to feed their colonies without disturbing their bees!

Shown with riser feet in storage position.
  • Item Code: UHF2
  • 21.89 USD$21.89

Make feeding your bees in spring, fall, and winter a breeze with the Bee Smart Direct Feeder! By placing it on top of your uppermost box with a medium hive body around it, you can feed your bees directly while minimizing the risk of robbing.

How does the feeder work?

With the blue ring unscrewed, fill the reservoir all the way up with sugar syrup or water, then flip it over outside of the hive to create an airtight seal that will prevent the syrup or water from leaking. Place the feeder on top of the hole in your inner cover, then add a medium box (10 or 8 frame), and top it all off with your outer cover.

Features of the direct feeder include:

  • Holds 1 gallon of sugar syrup or water
  • Refill quickly and easily without disturbing the bees
  • Designed for spring, fall, and winter feeding
  • EZ-grip handle
  • Thick-walled, light blue tank allows for easy monitoring of syrup level
  • Easy access feeder holes for fast, continuous feeding
  • Fits in any 8 or 10 frame medium box
  • Grip ring for tightening and loosening cap
  • Ventilation ribs allow hive to breathe
  • Alignment pins keep feeder centered on inner cover hole


  • Pick up ready-made syrup so you are ready to go
  • This product used to be called the Ultimate 3-Season Feeder

How to feed sugar syrup:

Spring feeding: Create a 1:1 syrup using 1 lb. water (2 cups) to 1 lb. sugar.

Fall feeding: Make a 2:1 syrup using 2 lb. sugar per 1 lb. of water.

  • When making syrup, water must be very hot to dissolve sugar
  • Do not feed sugar syrup during cold weather when bees are not able to take cleansing flights
  • Do not feed sugar syrup until it is warm enough for bees to fly regularly. If the weather is still too cold, feed winter patties. Pollen patties are used to stimulate build-up of hives in anticipation of the spring flow, but don’t feed them too early because pollen supplements will cause rapid expansion, and there may not be enough bees to keep the brood warm.

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