BeeMax Supering Kit Assem.

Made in polystyrene, the medium honey supers in this kit from BeeMax are lightweight but offer impressive insulation.

  • Item Code: BMSKA
  • 121 USDPrice: $121.00

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Made of lightweight polystyrene with an impressive R-value of 6.5, honey bee colonies have a better chance at overwintering in extreme northern temperatures, and staying cool in the hot summer months.

Medium honey supers traditionally serve as the place where honey is stored, but can also be used as brood boxes.


  • Two BeeMax medium supers
  • 20 Medium frames of your choice
  • Queen Excluder of your choice (keeps honey free from brood):


  • Need help in your decision? Read about the differences in options and other hive kits: Beekeeping kit options.
  • Rather assemble the kit, yourself? Shop Supering Kit: BeeMax Unassembled
  • BeeMax hive bodies should be painted with exterior latex paint to help protect the polystyrene from the sun's UV rays and extend the life of the hive

Plastic Foundation: Black vs White

  • Black foundation is great for brood, the high contrast against eggs allows easier identification
  • White foundation is great for supers, the light nature of the plastic displays true color of honey

What is the difference between plastic foundation with wax versus heavy wax?

All plastic frames come waxed, but heavy wax has an extra layer that bees accept better, speeding up the process of drawing comb.

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