Hives are made up of many components allowing beekeepers to customize their hive for their specific needs. Though this is great for the long term prospects of beekeeping, it can make starting a hive overwhelming. To get you off to a good start, we have created beginner kits that take the guesswork out of your decision.
A Few Things to Note About This Kit:
This is an 8 frame deep hive kit. What that means is that the hive body (box where bees live), is able to hold 8 deep frames (rectangular structure that contains foundation which bees build comb on). The deep in the name refers to the depth of the hive body. There are three hive body sizes, super, medium, and deep. Each builds on each other, with supers being the shortest height, holding the least amount of comb, and being used for honey, and deeps being the tallest, holding the most comb, and used for brood (baby bees).
Frames, the hive body, and other components come assembled, but beekeepers will have to arrange them as parts are moveable and not bound together
Gloves, and a helmet and veil are included and offer several choices of material and size
The price includes the inclusion of a book which will complement your beekeeping journey, but you may choose to exclude a book and save $19.95. We recommend you pick up educational material even if it is another one of our beekeeping books or DVDS as beekeeping requires learning.
This kit is a cost effective option, and meant as a starting ground. Expect to add additional equipment as your hive grows during the season.
The Basic Beginner Kit Includes:
- Telescoping outer cover
- Standard wooden inner cover
- 1 deep hive body assembled
- 8 black plastic deep frames
- Reversible bottom board
- Hive tool
- Stainless steel smoker
- Beginning beekeeping book
- Leather gloves
- Veil and helmet
Additional Notes:
A honey bee colony is generally started in one deep box, and grown to two deep boxes in its first year. These are the two brood boxes, where the queen lays eggs. In the second and third years, it is hoped that the colony will create wax comb on all frames in 4 additional medium boxes, which are the honey boxes, or "supers."
Your equipment will last for years if you paint all exterior surfaces with a few coats of exterior grade paint, before installing bees
Looking for a 10 frame beginner kit instead? Shop assembled 10 frame basic beginner kit
Become a better beekeeper. Take one of our classes: Beekeeping Classes
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